So the other day I was in a local headshop and I noticed next to the chemistry sets and the bulb pipes that had some bath salts. It was in these little plastic jars that said "snow leopard bath salts 500mg not for human consumption. I think you know what that means. So we asked them what the main ingredient was in their bath salt, but they didn't know. This was pretty frustrating, but we decided to purchase it anyway. So we head off to the party, and through educated guessing we decide that its either mephedrone, MDPV, or methylone. MDPV doses the lowest of that, around 20-30mg and considering its a jar or 500mg I dont think its meph. But just to be safe we split it in to 24 even lines and 3 friends rail a line each. Which should be a pretty inaccurate 20.8mg. After about an hour they are all feeling weak stimulation and a week euphoria so we now know that it is at least close to mephedrone or methylone which is dosed closer to 100mg. So we all bump up to about 50-80mg depending on the person and how they feel. This is across 7 people. All 7 of us feel fucking fantastic and are talking really fast about awesome video games, drugs and drug laws. We all peak at about ~1 hour in and 3 people redose once 2 people redose twice one redoses 3 times and I do not redose. I begin to come down immediately after the peak and come all the way down within the next two hours. I am at baseline for about 2 more hours, and then begin to feel tired and fatigued. At about 1 hour and 10 minutes in I got the strongest urge to redose I have ever felt from a drug, including cocaine, but it only lasted about 15 minutes, and then disappeared.
Overall I would say whatever it was is most likely mephedrone, and I would give it a B+. It is kind of a short trip, and at high doses you get pretty scattered thoughts. Its more on the stimulating side than the euphoric side, which makes me want to talk. It would problably be different in a setting with loud music. The want to redose was kind of annoying because I knew that I had to sleep at some point but I wanted more. Thankfully I controlled that urge. Sleeping afterward was fine. Day after I feel a little tired but I think that might be from smoking too many cigarettes and running around more than usual on a saturday. I would not take this within 2 weeks, just to watch for tolerance, and it seems pretty draining. Personally I wont do it for another month most likely, or 3 weeks, because midterms will be over in 3 weeks and we gotta celebrate you know. $28 for half a gram is also pretty expensive, so this is not likely going to be a common occurrence.
ReplyDeletePretty informative d00d! <3
ReplyDeletesnow leopard bath salt? sounds funny
ReplyDeleteof course, its not really bath salt, its like spice or K2 "incense" which is obviously not really incense.
ReplyDeleteGood stuff you have here.
ReplyDeleteSounds a lot like xtc too me, but what do I know... I'm a noob when it comes to drugs (as in the only drug other than weed that I took is xtc).
ReplyDeleteshit's cool bro
ReplyDeleteGood read. I've never done mephedrone (and don't really plan on it), but it seems like an interesting drug.
ReplyDeleteWhat was the intensity like?
It was a little like ecstasy(MDMA) but not as intense. No eye wiggles. At the 50mg ish I did it was manageable. I think at like 100mg it would be overwhelming but very enjoyably overwhelming. Like you would feel fucking awesome but you would just sit there and glow. And probly try to tell someone about a billion things at the same time. Easily twice as much stimulation as MDMA but none of the happy derpy loss of control stuff.
ReplyDeleteinteresting read
ReplyDeleteMephedrone was first synthesised in 1929 -- old shit! =)
ReplyDeleteThat's pretty interesting, although its not what im into personally. Will follow and check your updates daily!
ReplyDeleteMephedrone for me isnt that overwhelming until around the 300mg mark. maybe these 'bath salts' were some other mdxx analogue? where do you live by the way? here in new zealand there aint no bath salts in head stores.
ReplyDeleteI live in the US. I also have a pretty low tolerance to most drugs in general. MDxx definitely wouldn't be in a headshop here, but it could have been methylone(bk-MDMA). Bath salts are all over europe too. As well as "plant food", not so much in the US, yet, but I think it will be.
ReplyDeleteoh im curious....i wanna meet mr MCAT
ReplyDeletei stayed up for three days on about six cans of that "snow leopard" and it cause some serious ass hallucinations and an EXTREME paranoia
ReplyDeleteI did this a few months back with my husband and a few friends we did alot 4 bottles between all of us over a weekend. We never stopped talking . we also had a total blast. I have never done anything before so we were careful at first. We we were wired.for two days. We loved it. I still use it occasonally. I can say the only downfall is if people mess with you, you can have a really bad trip. I felt like I was being watched until I calmed down.So I just do it with my husband or alone because of that.
ReplyDeleteSnow Leopard like any bath salt is a good thing but only in moderation. Of course its not for human consumption, but just a pinch will go a long ways.
ReplyDeleteCheck us out on the web as exclusive distributors for Snow Leopard Bath Salts.
Or feel free to call us
We carry Snow Leopard, along with a huge variety of Bath salts such as Ivory Wave, Ocean Snow, Recharge, Tranquility. Check us out for all your legal alternatives.
Me n my boys Binged the fk out the come down after like 1500mgs in 3 days i haven't done any in 48 hrs i see how ppl get fussy but hey it'l b over adventually right? lol i did every kind some better than others price shows be careful
ReplyDeleteAm doing this stuff now (for like the 6th time and realize it has it's good points and bad points..
ReplyDeleteThe Bad Points:
The really high part is short lasting..and does make your hear race, your mouth dry, and makes your hands shake and is IMPOSSIBLE to hide(shaking, voice quiet, caughing, eyes dialated, racing thougthts...even on the phone and email people could tell the difference) so don't use it in front of parents, teachrers, aa or na buddies. It also makes me very very horny..will try to have sex with anyone..even my straight buddies, who i know would not be interested and am of course embarassed the next just makes me so horny that I can't stop thinking about and wanting sex... when it starts to wear off am still amorous Cant stress this enough,,everytime I take this stuff I go searching for porn and kinky sex sites on line ..kind off like cialis or vaigra if they also made you crave tactile cialis laced with cocaine. After it's done (It's impossible to just close the bottle and go to sleep when you are high on this plan on staying up all night till it's with cocaine.) Don't be around someone who wants you that you might not want to be with when you wake makes you really horny and crave sex...although i haven't had the uncontrolable erection I get with cocaine...but have been by myself when on this stuff.the sense of being in love with everyone you are with is still a euphoria
The up side is that is is cheap-only 25 bucks for a 1/2 gram that lasts all night..but it will make you really jumpy and speedy...impossible to sit still...and the high has been compaired to crystal meth from the friend of mine who introduced me to this stuff...although i have only had one experience with that drug I have done cocaine and find the high very compairable to cocaine...had both a few weeks ago and could not distinguish one from the other...although it takes much more coke to get you as high. So it's a value (although little is known about long term effects so be cool guys)
If you are starting out just do one line about 1 and1/2 inches and very thin. Takes you a little more as the night goes on...but one vial will last 2 people one evening or a single man (or women) all night till the next morning..would prefer to be sharing mine tonight with a guy doing pnp..which I have never done before...but want to check it out. The girl that got me into the Snow Leopard(the only brand I tried..hve yet to try tranquility or ivory or any others) is the only other pprson I know that even knows about it here in the Sarasota-Tampa area. Also none of the headshops here seem to sell least to me or have it open in the shop (I think they might have thought I was a cop, even though it is legal,get told I look like Keiffer Southerland in 24 a lot..) Anyhow, am going to do another line. Hit me up with any questions..or if you want a new buddy
there is no way that is methylone or mephedrone. gotta be cut up mdpv.
ReplyDeletei did just now get off of alibaba w/ a direct distributor of tranQuility and got him to tell me that the active in it is methylone. i also got a quote for 2500 units for 4900 . not bad if i wanted to contribute to shutting down the whole RC scene. especially for those of us who have invested alot of time and resources into securing hard to find sources for pure compounds
Any bath salt make you chill or relax?
ReplyDeleteYes. Ocean burst and ocean snow... Very close to heroin hign...
ReplyDeleteHas anyone had sex using this stuff...makes me really really wondering if it's just me..
ReplyDeleteI like my bath-salts rocked up and not in powder form. Is it possible to add, oh, say, something like baking soda and heat it up and get clumps or rocks out of the powder. "I want to put rocks of it and burn it lke insense," if you know what i mean.
ReplyDeleteAnd if so, how would i do it? i have had NO luck rocking up any other kinds of "bath-salt-like powders.
Well... a buddy told me about some shit called molly plant food, he had heard it was just like X and that head shops in the area might sell it. so i went to the one that is conveniently located right next to door to my house. the had the molly plant food and it came in a capsule that had no more than 100mg of powder in it and that cost 30 bucks. i asked if they had anything kinds like this and they guy showed me a jar just like this John 3:16 Alt. weed shit i used to by from there. it was 1/2 gram of Snow leopard and this cost an unfortunate $35. But cause it will prolly be banned shortly i said fuck it and bought it (btw im located in the northeastern area of Ohio). i did a very small "tester" line and over the span of an hour id have to say im feeling really good. almost exactly like X. my hands are oddly a little numb though.. but nothing that worries me. grinding teeth, enjoying music, i really have the feeling to talk a lot (which is why im on here now). i recommend it just also recommend to be careful cause who knows what the side effects are with large doses.
ReplyDeleteLoved the advice...thanks guys! Sounds like it works the same as an E pill that's laced with alotta meth....maybe that molly plant food would be nice...after all, molly's are the best E to buy!
ReplyDeleteWhere in Cleveland did you find this stuff. I have been to every head shop in my area (Day Star, Blue Moon, Stone Creek, Twilight, The Wax, House Of Glass, And about 9 others) And i still cant find it. I am a lab tech so i want to find it and test it before i put it in my nose. And if you can give me this information i will tell you the ones that are the safest and the ones that might kill you. I know if its pure MDVP then there shouldnt be a come down at all. We have that in the lab and my boss wont let anyone near it. So of course i have 5 grams of 100% pure stuff. But i dont want to try it unlees i find out whats in the Ivory white and other brands. Please message me back before this goes illegal. Thanks. text me 2162545879
ReplyDeletethis needs to be used sparingly... 2 people splitting a half-G kept me up way too long. no urge to continue to use like coke, but couldn't fall asleep for the life of me... scattered paranoid thoughts occur too. I'd suggest just 1-2 bumps at beginning of party time and then no more!!
ReplyDeleteI doubt that the main ingredient was MDPV as I have had pure MDPV since this experiment and they do not compare.
ReplyDeleteI also dont think Mephedrone is that active at the doses we were doing so I would have to say its a mixture.
I've also had pure Methylone and it was nothing like that at all.
awesome everyone
ReplyDeleteIts exactly the same thing that they call molly in my neighborhood in Fulton N,Y. People were gettin busted for havin it thinkin its mdma/molly aka the bitch... and when they ran the test kit on it it came up as nothing so they got let go. Fucking identical prices too... 40 bucks for a half g so basically 80 a gram.It kills me to see someone makin a killin off somethin you can literally buy in the head shop in my town... why didnt i think of that its on as long as they dont make it illegal
ReplyDeleteGet it now while it lasts.
Also if you want your local shop to carry it and a large variety of other bath salts we carry have them call us and inquire about wholesale.
Call us at 1-888-589-2686 or visit our online store and have Snow Leopard Bath Salts shipped directly to your house.